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No Cyber Trap

No Cyber Trap

There is awareness of cyber space beyond sharing OTPs and beyond your lock screen pattern. The cyber world has caught up with all of us and while we maximize it to our advantage, there is cyber crime that is knocking on almost every door, risking your privacy, your savings, your safety in public spaces, your future. 

Channel22Org brings to you an extensive awareness drive #NoCyberTrap wherein we delve on cyber issues that are heard of, yet ignored. 

All through August and September, know what to share, what not to, what happens when we overshare, what happens when kids are exposed to darknet and abuse. Know who keeps an eye on your stories while you travel in real time. Know how you liked a white shirt and how the whole algorithm tries to sell you a white shirt eventually. Know the cons to beat the cons. With Channel22 

#NoCyberTrap #CyberCrimeAwareness #Cyberspace #Darknet #CrimesOfInternet

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